Saturday, 22 January 2011


Sales so far - 499

Monday, 10 January 2011


Sales so far - 459

And the winners are....

Dottie of

And Ruth of

Congratulations ladies!

All changes will take place later on today, The biggest change being we are now opening up the carousel to ALL crafters, Wether your shop is on folksy, etsy or your own website you are all welcome to join in!

Friday, 7 January 2011


Sales so far - 448

A few changes

I hope you all had a wonderful christmas and a great start to the year? We certainly have and are now back and ready to get this show on the road.

The carousel has slowed down a little, and thats not good for anyone! So we are making a few changes to hopfully make it spin a little faster, faster means more of those lovely sales!

We are going to limit the time on the carousel to a week, after that you still get a weeks free advertising if you don't sell, but it stops the carousel getting stale.

We are also not linking to any one product any more, There have been lots of "please change my item" requests for various reasons. And though we love the carousel this does take up lots of our time. So instead you choose, or we can choose one of your items as the display picture, then link it to your store front!

and lastly we are going to add two new spaces on the carousel, rounding it off to a nice neat 20 spots and giving shoppers more choice and more chance to get on the carousel.

All this will come into effect next week.

Dont forget if theres nothing you fancy, you can still advertise with us in the supporters area, See the advertising button for more details

We hope you continue to enjoy the carousel for a long time to come!

Maryann & Sarah x